Sometimes when you’re working with a large, complex site with lots of CMS content, deleting individual collections or collection fields can be a pain. You can only delete them once you’ve tracked down the precise locations where these collections and fields are being used in your design.
To make this process less painful, we built a “connections manager” that lets you see every instance where a collection is connected to your designs. It also gives you the option to disconnect any instance of that collection in one click.

To see existing connections, go to the settings of any one collection, and click on the “View Connections” button under your collection fields. In the popup modal, you can see the pages, templates and symbols that are tied to your collection content, as well as each connected instance. Disconnect the instances one by one, and then revel in the fact that you can delete, delete, delete your collections and fields.
But delete with caution! Deleting collections and collection fields cannot be undone, and it will likely affect your designs.
Happy deleting!