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Inside Webflow
Embracing more composability in your design system with component slots
Jerod Greenisen
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Inside Webflow
Embracing more composability in your design system with component slots
Introducing component slots — our new feature that gives you more flexibility in your design system.
Jerod Greenisen
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Embracing more composability in your design system with component slots
Inside Webflow
Announcing Design System Sync: A more seamless Figma to Webflow integration
Jerod Greenisen
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Inside Webflow
Announcing Design System Sync: A more seamless Figma to Webflow integration
Figma to Webflow, Design System Sync, is a new companion app that enhances collaboration, efficiency, and scalability in web design and development.
Jerod Greenisen
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Announcing Design System Sync: A more seamless Figma to Webflow integration

Inside Webflow
8 cloneables that showcase variables and Spline animations in Webflow
Jerod Greenisen
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Inside Webflow
8 cloneables that showcase variables and Spline animations in Webflow
Check out these projects to get a jumpstart on your latest designs using two of Webflow’s exciting new features, variables and our new Spline integration.
Jerod Greenisen
, &
8 cloneables that showcase variables and Spline animations in Webflow
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